Edmond's First Staff

assistant worship leader

“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.”

405-341-0253 main office


A driven, loyal, empathetic, attentive, and honest individual whose life revolves around glorifying God and serving others, Peter serves as Edmond's First assistant worship leader. In this role he is responsible for planning and leading the 11:00 AM modern Worship Service each Sunday. His main focus is to uplift hearts through praise and worship while nurturing and equipping future worship leaders.

With a knack for negotiating, Peter also works in the oil and gas industry, drawing from his skills to navigate complex agreements. But what truly makes him laugh are clever one-liners from movies or TV shows, a simple joy he shares with his loving wife, Emily, whom he married in January2022. Together, they've welcomed two golden doodles, Hartlee and Harper, into their growing family.

In his downtime, Peter enjoys delving into books that challenge and inspire growth. Among his favorites are "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg, which urges readers to break free from autopilot, and "Never Split the Difference" by Christopher Voss, a valuable resource for honing negotiation skills. He also finds solace in "The Resolution for Men" by Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick, and Randy Alcorn, which he enjoys discussing over coffee with close friends.

Reflecting on his journey, Peter recalls how his early call to ministry at Seward Road Baptist Church in Guthrie, Oklahoma, anchored him during his college years at Oklahoma State University. Despite the distractions, serving as the minister of music and later as the interim youth minister kept him rooted in faith and purpose.

His dedication to ministry hasn't wavered since, and neither has his trust in God's timing. Through the ups and downs, Peter remains steadfast, grateful for the patience and love God extends to His children. For him, the best part of life is witnessing God's handiwork unfold in unexpected ways, a testament to His faithfulness.

As he looks ahead, Peter's goals are simple: to follow wherever God leads, whether it's in ministry or family life. He knows first hand that God can throw unexpected curveballs, but he trusts in His plans for a future filled with hope and purpose. Amidst it all, Peter finds joy in the little things, like savoring a good cup of coffee or cheering on his beloved Oklahoma State University teams with Emily.

With a heart attuned to God's calling and a commitment to serving others, Peter's life verse, 2 Peter 3:9, resonates deeply with him. It reminds him of God's unwavering patience and His desire for all to come to repentance. And if there's one message, he could share to change someone's life, it's a call to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, echoing the urgency of the unknown hour spoken in Matthew 24:36.

Peter's journey is a testament to God's faithfulness, guiding him through every twist and turn with grace and purpose. And as he continues to walk in obedience, he finds assurance in Jeremiah 29:11, knowing that God's plans for him are for a future filled with hope and blessings.