Worship each Sunday morning in the Worship Center at 9:30 AM blended and 11:00 AM modern plus live online on both Facebook and LiveStream.
The Church Office is open Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, at 405-341-0253. Enter the Church Office from the north side of campus. You may also reach us by emailing edmondsfirst@fbcedmond.org.
For emergencies and after hour needs, contact
Keith Haygood
Executive Arts & LIFE+ Pastor
405-513-2213 mobile
Edmond's First campus is located at 1300 East 33rd Street in Edmond, Oklahoma. We are on the southwest corner of 33rd Street and Bryant Avenue. You can reach abundant parking from 33rd Street or Bryant Avenue.
We offer two Worship Services in the Worship Center.
We offer online services on Facebook @edmondsfirst and LIVESTREAM.
FACEBOOKLIVESTREAMFor the purposes of Bible study and discipleship training, we divide into Connection Groups (small groups) according to age and grade. These divisions mirror those that happen naturally in life so that each class is comprised of small groups of peers who are facing similar joys, challenges, and experiences as others in the class. Learn more at:
Stay connected to Edmond's First by visiting and following the texting page:
TEXTINGJoin Pastor Blake each Sunday morning in the Worship Center. Also available live online on Facebook @edmondsfirst and LIVESTREAM. Catch up on past sermons by following the YouTube playlist.