FALL 2024

Plan your fall schedule.

Church Office  405-341-0253
Monday - Thursday, 8 AM - 5 PM

Check back as this page is updated!


Super September is a time for focusing on prayer, outreach, evangelism, follow-ups, and service within our Connection Groups. Join us each Sunday for meaningful opportunities to connect and grow. Let's come together and make this a powerful month of spiritual growth and community impact!

    Brunch Sunday which will include a coffee bar in the Main Foyer, all Connection Groups will have brunch in their rooms, Pajama Day for Children and Preschool.
    Serve and Share Sunday where every participant will make a follow-up call to the person they wrote an invite card to on week one. Children and Preschool will have "Neon Day".

    Connection Groups will serve by doing different mission projects across Edmond.

    Pack the House for high attendance in connection with group and worship. Free HTeaO tea beverages will be provided for adults and students. Children and Preschool will have "Fun Drink Day and Dress Your Best".

Check back for updates!

  • September
    Super September - 1st through 29th
    Sunday's in September
    Women's Fall Bible Studies - 10th
  • October
    Concert with the Millers - 1st
    Family Movie Night - 11th
    Pastor Appreciation - 13th
    Men's Cook Out - 24th
    Women's Brunch & Blessings - 26th
    Trunk or Treat - 31st
  • November
    Women's Night of Impact - 4th
    Veteran's Lunch - 11th

Wednesdays | 6:00 PM -7:15 PM | Campus Wide
Offering Bible study opportunities and activities for all age groups. Meet on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM. The Wednesday Fellowship Meal takes place from 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM in Fellowship Hall. Follow:


Wednesdays | 6:00 PM -7:15 PM | Children's Wing
For kids three years to 5th grade! Beginning August 21, The Adventure Club (AC) curriculum will take children through a systematic study of theology in the Scriptures. This year, children will learn “The Truth about the Church, the Bible, and the End Times.” The Adventure Club is a fun way for children to learn and memorize the truths about scripture. Follow, register, and learn more at:


Books for each of the Bible study sessions may be purchased online through LifeWay, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.

  • Wednesday Evenings
    6:00 PM - 7:15 PM, Room 108
    "As for Me: Life Through the Lens of the Psalms" by Adrienne Camp. Activities available for all ages.
  • Tuesday Evenings
    Begins Tuesday, September 10, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM. We will be studying "Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom" by Jen Wilkin.
  • Thursday Mornings w/Childcare
    Begins Thursday, September 12, 9:45 AM - 11:30 AM. Childcare is available for birth though kindergarten, register by Monday, September 2. We will be studying "When You Pray" from Kelly Minter, Jackie Hill Perry, Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Jada Edwards, and Kristi McLelland.