Resurrection Sunday, Easter, offers the opportunity to reflect on God's fulfillment of His covenant through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For questions and more information, contact:
Church Office
Open Monday - Thursday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
office: 405-341-0253
Edmond's First campus is located at 1300 East 33rd Street in Edmond, Oklahoma. We are on the southwest corner of 33rd Street and Bryant Avenue. You can reach abundant parking from 33rd Street or Bryant Avenue.
Preparing your heart through daily prayer! Text DAYS to 51909
Friday, March 29 | 6:00 PM | Worship Center
Join Edmond's First in the Worship Center for a Good Friday Worship Service featuring the Lord’s Supper Observance. A Mother's Room and a Family Room are available at the Worship Center and childcare will be avaible for birth through three years.
Live Online
Available on Facebook @edmondsfirst and LIVESTREAM, links below.
What is Good Friday?
Since New Testament times, Christians have gathered on the Friday before Easter to commemorate the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ upon the Cross. It is the oldest of the Easter celebrations and is marked by solemnity and prayerfulness. After the remembrance of Christ's suffering and death on Good Friday, we will celebrate the empty tomb on Easter Sunday.
Sunday, March 31 | 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM | Worship Center
Celebrate the Risen Savior on Resurrection Sunday, Easter, with Edmond’s First in the Worship Center. Be ready to hear about the divine twist that took place as a result of Christ’s resurrection. It will be eye-opening as Pastor Blake Gideon shares a special message.
8:15 AM, 9:30 AM, and 11:00 AM Connection Groups (small groups) will meet, childcare is available for birth through 5th grade plus small groups for all ages
Two Worship Services: at 9:30AM and 11:00 AM in the Worship Center.
Available on Facebook @edmondsfirst and LIVESTREAM.
Connection Groups are available Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM, 9:30 AM, and 11:00 AM for all age groups. Please visit a Welcome Desk for assistance, times, locations, and more information. Greeters are also available to help at any time. We encourage visiting multiple groups to find the best fit.
We believe in sharing the Gospel and showing the love of Christ starting at birth.
On Sunday mornings we provide a 9:30 AM worship hour where birth- 3 years old will engage in Bible stories, crafts, and music through the Bible Stories for Life. Pre-K and Kindergarten dig deep with the Gospel Project.
Our 11:00 AM is the Connection Group hour with our small groups where we passionately connect to Christ, His Church, His Word, and His Mission for His Glory.
Check in: On your first visit, you will need to fill out a visitor registration card at the Children’s Welcome Desk on the first floor of the Children's Wing. You will be given name tags for your child(ren) and then be shown to the appropriate classroom(s).
For 1st - 5th grade, Kids Church is where kids can come learn about scripture in a fun and interactive way, while their parents attend Connection Group or Worship. They will engage in worship, prayer, memory verses, games, and the preaching of the Word. Kids church is more than babysitting, it’s an opportunity for the kids to meet God in a powerful and mighty way! Meet on the second floor of the Children's Wing at 9:30 AM each Sunday morning. Connection Groups, small groups, meet at 11:00 AM.
Download the booklet to share with friends and family. Includes scripture and helpful study notes for each of the Twelve Days of Resurrection Sunday.
Follow and share on social media @edmondsfirst on Instagram and Facebook.